Raycap News

Why Surge Protection May Be The Answer To Affordable Power

Green energy producers face specific strategic problems with regards to the amount of cost that is associated with the production of energy in their systems.  There’s a constant battle between fossil fuel production and green energy production methods of creating power, generally coming down to two areas of argument.  These are the costs of production that ultimately ends up creating the prices that consumers must pay for power, and the amount of pollution that is produced by the system. These are the areas of contention that are being argued on a daily basis.  There is no doubt that green energy technologies are cleaner than fossil fuels, but unfortunately the cost basis for fossil fuel production is lower than wind and solar forms of production at the current time.  This may seem lopsided due to the fact that fossil fuel producers must pay for a fuel source where green energy producers do not.  The main area of inflated cost is found in the maintenance and replacement of equipment that is used in the green energy process.  The solar panels that are used in photovoltaic systems must be exposed to the elements in order to function properly.  They also must be exposed in a way that does not create shadows from nearby structures that would hinder their ability to collect sunlight.  This makes them a prime target for lightning strikes, which produce damage in two forms.  Direct strikes to the panels or to other exposed equipment produces damage at that point which is almost unavoidable.  The subsequent power surge that is associated with both direct strikes as well as in indirect strikes overwhelms the circuitry of equipment, which is connected to these exposed components, causing damage downstream.  Luckily, even though there is little that can be done to reduce the amount of wear and tear on exposed components as a result of wind and rain, there is something that can be done to protect the downstream equipment from power surges.  Through the integration if technologically superior surge protection devices at strategic locations and within the inverter regions, we can significantly reduce the amount of damage that occurs as a result of a lightning strike and a surge.  Raycap Strikesorb devices not only produce a higher level of protection as a result of their superior makeup and manufacturing process, but the technology that is involved in their “always on” process allows them to stay active even after the surge event has occurred.  One of the common issues with surge protection systems is that they are disabled whenever the surge that they are protecting against happens.  This means that if lightning strikes the region within a short time frame, only the first strike is protected against.  With Raycap surge protection devices, we find that a greater level of protection is achieved.  This gives operators within photovoltaic systems the ability to drive down costs and potentially make solar energy production both cheaper and cleaner.  This would be a game changer that brings green energy technology to the forefront.