Raycap News

Undepleatable Sources Provide Clean Energy With Technology

Undepleatable Sources Provide Clean Energy With Technology 

The finite nature of the fuel sources that are used to generate  energy is a major problem for all people on Earth, not just those in developed countries.  While there are definite issues with the costs to the environment that the burning of these fossil fuels has, the actual purchase price that must be paid for the fuel itself is tied directly to the supply, which is limited.  Simply put, there is only so much oil, coal, wood or other fossil fuels in existence.  Once these resources dwindle past a certain amount, there is no more “being made” that can extend the supply further.  Even through the limitations of supply would not be breached during any of our lifetimes given the current population increase rate, we must think about the future and put in place methodologies that make sense fifty, one-hundred or two hundred years in the future.  This is one of the primary arguments for the development of technologies that utilize sources that will not be easily depleted in power production, such as the sun and wind, and the fast adoption of these same technologies will benefit environmental impact issues as well.  Every day that fossil fuels are used to produce power is another day that gets us closer towards the supply being exhausted, and another day of environmental damage that more than likely cannot be reversed.  Through the ongoing adoption, advancement and development of improved production methods that use un-depleatable resources, we can stop the damage and create a better world for ourselves and our future generations.

The understanding of how un-depleatable resources are used to create power, along with their current drawbacks, is the crux of the clean power adoption argument.  Currently it is cheaper to produce power using fossil fuels as a resource, but these methods cause pollution and ultimately exhaust the supply with no method of restocking it.  Un-depleatable resources like wind, sun and flowing water are used in the same capacity as fossil fuels, ultimately being harnessed in unique ways in order to turn turbines which generate electricity.  Because the fuel source is not destroyed by the process, there is no by-product and there is no depletion of the resource itself.  There is also no cost associated with the fuel sources themselves, no harming of the fuel source, and the cost of production can really be found in the purchase, set up and maintenance of the equipment involved in the energy-gathering process.

The structures that harness the fuel sources do have their issues, one of which is that positioning sensitive computerized control equipment within or attached to the structures leaves the energy harnessing equipment vulmerable.  The unobstructed nature of exposed equipment used to gather sun or wind energy makes it ideal for fuel collection and less than ideal for managing the elements.  For example, a lightning strike adjacent to the components involved in any new energy production method produces a power surge that damages connected equipment and knocks systems offline during peak production times.  These maintenance costs currently add up to more than fossil fuel production, ultimately making the process and resulting new energy more expensive for consumers.  Through the installation of technologically advanced lightning and surge protection devices onto clean energy systems, the amount of equipment damage can be reduced and downtimes nearly eliminated, ultimately driving production costs down.  Further development of better surge protection devices and systems can drive these costs down even lower.  The future of energy production is found in technological advances, and companies like Raycap are leading the way.