Raycap News

Surge Protection Devices For Better Operations

Surge Protection Devices For Better Operations

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/surge-protection/

Industrial surge protection devices are continually evolving to produce not only better levels of protection against electrical overflow, but also better levels of operational integrity within facilities.  Industrial facilities provide a great deal of the products and services that are consumed by the public every year, and many people are unaware of the level to which they are reliant upon steady operations within the industrial facilities that service them.  Every day our lives are impacted in ways that we probably don’t think about very often, ranging from telecommunications to power production and a wide variety of other industries as well.  For example, the telecommunications industry relies heavily upon industrial surge protective devices to not only keep costs at a minimum but also keep connectivity at a maximum.  Within the hyper competitive world of cellular providers, customers have come to expect connectivity anytime they pick up their phone as well as the lowest monthly bills possible.  If they began having connectivity issues, they began looking for a new provider.  If they notice that their bills are higher than other people’s, once again may begin looking for a new provider.  This means that cellular providers are continually under pressure to keep their systems functional 24 hours a day as well as keeping costs as low as possible so as not to be passed off to customers in the form of higher bills.  In order to keep costs low and operations streamlined, the vulnerabilities of their systems must be addressed, and issues must be solved.  One of the main issues with the cell towers is that they are very susceptible to lightning strikes to the top of the tall towers.  The damage that happens at the strike point might be unavoidable, but this is ultimately not the highest cost factor within the problem.  Instead, the resulting power surge that happens after a lightning strike travels with extremely quickness through power cables, moving through a facility, and ultimately impacting all connected equipment within that tower.  There are radios and antenna that are located at the top of the cell tower that provides the connectivity to the customers.  There is a unit that is located at the bottom of the cell tower that provides the connectivity to the network.  These two units must be in continual communication as well as fully powered by the same power source.  The lightning strike to the top of the tower can be expected to damage the unit at the top, and in the past would also be expected to damage the unit at the bottom due to the connections between the two.  The power that flows between these two units provides the perfect path for excess electricity to do damage, but the installation of effective surge protective devices from Raycap has provided the ability to protect equipment located on the tower.  Through the integration of these extremely effective surge protection devices, customers may even find that their bills are lower and that when they try and make a call, the connectivity is more reliable.  You can thank industrial surge protection devices in part for the ability.