Raycap News

Effective Protection For Wind Turbines

Effective Protection For Wind Turbines

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wind-turbines-and-lightning/

Green energy technology has been developing for decades, with supporters pushing for more governmental involvement in development and opponents lobbying against it. The need for massive amounts of funding that can only be achieved via the adoption of green energy programs by governments worldwide would move the industry forward in a way that has never been seen before, but unfortunately the fossil fuel industry is threatened by technology that could cut into their bottom line, and therefor work against these cash infusions. As a result, the majority of the technological advancements relating to the production of energy that uses sustainable sources has come from the private sector, with private companies devising methods of increasing production and reducing costs. The entire sector could be advanced far faster with the cooperation of governments, but until such a time comes when fossil fuel companies are not such a force to be reckoned with, sustainable energy will rely primarily upon private innovation.

One of the advances that is helping sustainable energy production comes in the form of surge protection devices. Through the integration of advanced surge protection devices throughout the systems that are creating sustainable energy, costs can be driven down and production levels can be raised at the same time. This is because a big risk to effective production of wind and solar power is the exposed components that are at risk from inclement weather events, including being struck by lightning. While an actual lightning strike will always produce damage that must be repaired or replaced, the issue is the additional damage to the system that comes as a result of the power surge following the strike. This powerful surge of electricity flows along the connectivity cables and lines that join critical equipment.  When lightning strikes a solar panel or wind turbine because it is exposed to the weather, that power surge will then move from the strike point and from component to component, often overwhelming the circuitry and forcing repairs to that connected equipment. This compounds both the costs of repairs and impacts the amounts of energy that can be produced due to system failures at times when the fuel sources are available and could be harnessed. Through integrating effective surge protection devices, we find that repair costs can be minimized, and systems can be returned to functionality at a faster rate, ultimately making them able to produce more power using using the sun or wind. Keeping green energy systems online for as long as possible is critical to making them a viable method of producing the power necessary to fully service metropolitan areas without the need for fossil fuel backup systems to cover the shortages. With the development of better and more effective surge protection devices and other preventative maintenance solutions, green energy production methods will simply become more effective and less expensive overall than fossil fuel alternatives. Forwarding this type of technological development will create a cleaner and better planet for all to enjoy, leading to a better world.