Raycap News

Surge Protection For Industrial Facilities  

While almost every modern day industrial facility is going to rely upon computerized equipment of some sort to provide functionality, some industries are more reliant upon it than others. One of the most “tech heavy” industries is the telecom industry, which finds itself under the demand of the public to continually provide faster and more expansive coverage for customers, while also doing so at the lowest prices possible. Competition among players in the space has created this environment, and as a result the need for ever better equipment is always there. In order to fully understand the challenges that face telecom operators we must examine their greatest threat for loss, network downtime due to some kind of unforeseen act of God, such as the lightning strike.

Cell towers are usually the tallest structures in an area that is remote, so as to provide an unobstructed signal from user’s devices to the tower top. These towers are generally made from materials that attract lightning, as well as being structural attractants as well. The towers feature equipment positioned at the top that communicates with equipment at the bottom, and the connection between the two is the weak link in the system. At the tower top is the RRH or remote radio head and antennas, which receive and transmit the signals from user’s phones. The RRH is connected to the BSU or base station unit at the bottom of the tower. The connections between the two are data transfer and power lines, both of which are usually made of copper which is perfect for electricity to flow across. This essentially means that when a lightning strike to the tower top overwhelms the RRH and damages it, the electricity that caused the damage is allowed to flow freely to the BSU and also damage it. This chain effect will increase the amount of damage that occurs with every lightning strike, as well asit can increase the amount of time and effort it will take to restore that tower to functionality. The losses as a result of a single strike can reverberate through the customer base as well in the form of dissatisfaction and potential reconsideration of that company as the service provider of choice. As the customer demand for increased speeds and capacities goes up, the equipment involved also becomes more expensive, thus adding to the damage levels if both the RRH and BSU are involved. The only adequate protection method is the integration of the best and most robust surge protection devices (SPDs) available.

Raycap is a world renowned manufacturer of surge protection devices and systems for industrial installations like the telecom industry. Our devices protect the equipment inside thousands of cell towers globally, and through our advanced technologies we are able to not only keep equipment safe, but also keep the systems functioning that allow connections of users to their network. From the simple call home from work to the more critical call to 911 during an emergency situation, Raycap surge protection devices are there protecting the world’s largest networks. The prices for cell service are kept low by extending the lifespan of equipment, and customers are retained through better connectivity.