Raycap News

Electrical Protection

Electrical protection is the common phrase to describe the protection of electronic components from the damages that occur as a result of electrical surges.  This problem is quite common due to the fact that electrical flow across power lines is not fixed at a specific capacity, and instead has the ability to surge to unspecified levels, the maximum capacity being only capped by the amount that the supply lines themselves are designed to transfer.  Fluctuations in the power levels being transferred across supply lines are known as “transients,” and have the ability to damage or destroy equipment instantaneously.  This represents the primary reasoning behind the installation of electrical protective devices in between supply lines and sensitive equipment in so many applications.

In general, the electrical protection device market can be divided into two segments, industrial and residential.  Residential electrical protection will generally come in the form of power strips or slightly more robust components which act as a shutoff switch if the power flow fluctuates outside of an acceptable level while still being low enough to not trip the breakers to the home.  While the circuit breaker system is designed to prevent fires that can happen if a power surge of large magnitude is measured, power strips provide a closer scope of regulation on the power levels that are potentially reaching computers and other data processing equipment.  This added level of security provides an extra level of protection, simply guarding against minor surges that degrade circuits.

Industrial electrical protection systems function somewhat in the same way, essentially cutting off electrical flow to a device if it is measured as outside an acceptable level, either through diversion, absorption or complete shutoff.  These industrial surge protection components are required to be far more robust than residential systems, not only due to the fact that they are protecting far more expensive equipment but also because they are monitoring supplies of electricity that are of significantly greater capacities than that which supply homes.  With these greater capacities of electrical flow comes significantly more damage if a transient is allowed to reach its final destination.  The destruction as a result of explosions and fires can go far beyond the monetary and result in loss of life and injury to staff and workers.  The protection of human life above all else makes industrial electrical protection necessary, and when considered in addition to the costs of equipment replacement or downtime of businesses, the need becomes clear.

Raycap provides electrical protection for industrial installations in several product lines and systems which are easily installed on new or existing applications.  Raycap’s technology allows for not only a superior level of protection, but also provides money saving features like the ability to withstand multiple incidents without needing resetting or replacement.  By providing the increased levels of protection that are necessary for today’s advanced systems, functioning day and night to keep businesses online, providing service to customers, and mitigating threat of damage or destruction to equipment, Raycap is the clear choice.