Raycap News

Clean Energy Benefits From Industrial Surge Protection

Clean Energy Benefits From Industrial Surge Protection

As America and the world struggle with the issue of energy, its cost and the impact its production has on the planet, companies are quietly developing new technologies which will improve the current situation.  The debate stems from a basic disagreement between two camps, one that places environmental impact as the most important aspect and the other that favors lower costs and depletion of finite resources.  Both sides make powerful arguments as to why we should or should not fund development of new technologies that could improve production from alternative energy sources, but while the debate rages on so does the private development of these very technologies.  The main reason behind the private business sector’s interest in developing improved clean energy technology with or without government funding is because there are two aspects that are improved by technological advances in the space.  The first is the development of cleaner and less environmentally impactful energy production methods, and the second is the improvement of these methods so as to function at a more economical level than fossil fuels.  In a nutshell, this means that not only is clean energy going to produce less harm to the environment, it is going to be cheaper to produce than fossil fuels in the long run.  The leaders within the clean energy space will benefit the most from this tipping point, when the public realizes that clean energy production will actually save them money.  As a result, advances within the space are being made by private companies like Raycap and its customers every year.

If Raycap makes industrial surge protection devices, how does this benefit the clean energy space? Raycap’s customer are those that are innovating in this space, they are the forerunners in the market and stand to be able to be in the best positin once costs for new energy start to come down. What the public must realize is that clean energy production methods like solar power, wind power and hydro-electric power do not have a cost that is primarily made up of fuel purchases.  The fuels for clean energy production methods are free, and the primary cost to consumers is found in the installation, repair and replacement of the technologically advanced equipment used in the energy collection process.  For example, within the wind-power production method, a turbine is turned within a windmill by blades that are exposed to the wind current.  In order to effectively harness this wind current, these blades must be unobstructed, positioning them as the tallest structures in open areas.  While this presents the best situation for capture of the fuel source, it also makes the windmills prime targets for lightning strikes.  Strikes to the blades allow the associated surge of electricity to travel through the structure and through connected power and data transfer lines which connect the turbines to the control equipment.  These expensive computerized components cannot withstand the level of electricity that is produced by a lightning strike, and will generally suffer heavy damage to the circuitry as well as other pieces.  Not only will these components need to be repaired, replaced or reset, the entire system will be knocked offline during the time frame in between strike and repair.  Raycap’s surge protection technology for clean energy systems prevents the overflow of electricity after a strike from damaging the components, minimizing ongoing costs and keeping systems online and producing for linger times frames.  By continually producing better and more effective surge protection devices for these types of systems, the costs can be driven down.  Consumers benefit through a cleaner environment while at the same time enjoying lower power costs, thus improving the world in two ways.